Thursday 2 January 2014

Reasons Why Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN Loves Pets

Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN has two pets, both Italian Greyhounds, and she loves everything about being a pet owner. Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN thinks everyone should own a pet at some point in their life and believes there are many benefits to doing so. What follows are a few of the benefits, according to Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN.

(1) Happiness and Enjoyment

Pets bring people a sense of happiness and enjoyment. Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN especially loves how her dogs can brighten up her day. The carefree nature of pets is a good influence on people, and Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN sometimes wishes she could be the same way.

(2) Teaches Responsibility

If you have kids in the house, Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN advises using pets to teach responsibility. Pets are dependent on their owners, and Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN gives her kids specific responsibilities to take care of them. Having a pet can teach kids how to take care of something and see tangible results. 

(3) Protection

Many pet owners choose dogs because of the protection they provide. Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN’s dogs are very loyal and would do anything to protect her and her children. Dogs can be a good deterrent against break-ins and robberies. As a woman and mother, Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN’s dogs provide her with peace-of-mind. 

Having a household pet comes with many benefits. Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN advises people to try owning a pet in order to see how they do. You will likely discover many more benefits than the three listed above. But, Mary Alice Neal of Franklin, TN would like to remind you that pets can provide enjoyment, teach responsibility, and give you protection.

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